Affiliate Disclosure

If you find a product that you would like to buy and do so through a link on my site, then I get a small commission. This is how affiliate links work: they redirect you to the website of external affiliated companies and you buy the product directly from the seller, not from me. In return, I get a commission from the seller.

Prices are the same for you, regardless of whether you make purchases through an affiliate link or a non-affiliate link.

This system works well. My readers get the same prices no matter what, and the commissions I make from affiliate links help me to maintain and grow the site.

Do Affiliate Programs Affect TimepieceKing?

In terms of earning money to improve my website, yes, the programs affect the site. However, my reviews are not influenced by the potential to earn affiliate commissions. All the products that I recommend have been researched thoroughly, and I base my recommendations on this research, not on affiliate programs. If you ever buy a product based on my recommendation and you are not satisfied, please reach out to me. I will help you find a replacement.

Additionally, affiliate programs push me to do my best. If I recommend a product simply to earn money, and my readers are not satisfied and return the product, I don’t earn anything from it. It is in my best interest to only recommend products that I truly believe are the best. In the end, I want you to trust me and my work. If to earn commissions I give bad recommendations for short-term benefits, then, of course, I will lose your trust. I promise not to do this.

Which Affiliate Programs Does The Website Use?

TimepieceKing is a member of the Amazon Services LLC affiliate program, an affiliate advertising program designed to enable me to earn money by linking to

If you use any of my affiliate links, the prices will not differ and you will not need to pay extra.


If you have any questions regarding this policy or your relationship with my website, please contact me here.